NJSLA Parent Checklist
PARCC Parent Checklist:
TAKE A LOOK AT THE PRACTICE TEST. This will help you better understand how the test is aligned to classroom work and see the types of reading, math and writing questions your child will be answering. You may want to walk through the test with your child to help familiarize him or her with the test format and features and answer any questions. To see a practice test, visit http://parcc.pearson.com/practice-tests/. You can also see questions from last year’s PARCC test at https://prc.parcconline.org/assessments/parcc- released-items.
KNOW WHAT YOUR CHILD SHOULD BE LEARNING IN ENGLISH AND MATH. To find out the learning expectations of your child’s grade level in both subjects, take a look at the PTA Parents’ Guide to Success at http://www.pta.org/content.cfm?ItemNumber=2909&navItemNumber=4065 which gives descriptions of the skills and knowledge your child is expected to gain every year. You can also see samples of what your child’s writing should look like in every grade at http://raisethebarparents.org/what-will-my-child-be- learning-each-year.
USE YOUR CHILD’S TEST RESULTS FROM LAST YEAR TO IDENTIFY AREAS WHERE HE OR SHE MIGHT NEED ADDITIONAL SUPPORT. Talk with your child’s teachers to see what types of supplemental activities you can do at home. Find activities that match your child’s performance in both subjects in the Be a Learning Hero Skill Builder at http://bealearninghero.org/skill-builder.
PRACTICE! PRACTICE! PRACTICE! Homework is a great way to reinforce the skills and content your child learns everyday in the classroom and that the test measures. In addition to the state test, it is another measure you can use to see how well your child is progressing throughout the year. To get homework help in both subjects, visit https://homeworkhelpdesk.org/. For sample problems and questions along with solutions and answers, visit http://www.greatschools.org/gk/common-core-test-guide/.